Travel With Kids: How to Travel With Kids Without Losing Your Mind

I love to travel. Alone. With my husband. With my friends. When it comes to travel – I am up for anything. The only thing I was really afraid of was traveling with a kid. That sounded like a terrible idea to me. Oh boy, I was so wrong.

A few months ago we decided to go on a family trip to Budapest. It was the first time we are going out of the country with our 4-year-old daughter. And guess what? It wasn’t so terrible after all. It was fun. She was having a great time. After that positive experience, I decided to take her everywhere – so we booked a cruise for November.

travel with kids

Since I want to prepare as much as I can, I read all the tips on travelling with young kids. I also decided to get few books on family travel. Travel With Kids from Edward Cox is one of those great books with lots of great tips. This book provides in-depth information on how to travel as a family. It includes information on how to pick the right destination and the right mode of travel, how to apply for passports and visas, and how to deal with culture shock on arrival and on re- entry. It also has special sections on how to travel with infants, toddlers, and teenagers.

My favorite part of the book is chapter ‘Surviving Re-entry’. It was always the hardest thing for me when it comes to traveling and it took me weeks to get back to my routine. So, imagine how hard will that be for the kids.

– The idea for this book has been rattling around in my head since my first child was born and most people that we knew assumed that we’d stop traveling. Traveling and living overseas was too hard with kids. I disagree. I want families to see that international travel with kids is not impossible, not too expensive, and definitely worth it – said Edward, the author and travel blogger on Nomadic Dragon.

You can find this great book on Amazon.

Edward told us he also has several more books sketched out. Two are young adult fiction and two are non-fiction travel writing about the places that he, his wife and two sons traveled to so far. I am really looking forward to reading those!

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