Top 10 Digital Safety Tips for Children infographic


digital safety for children infographic

The world has gone mobile. People are using smartphones and other portable devices in spite of their age, gender and occupation. Teens are not an exception. They appear to be the most active mobile devices users featuring up 90% of smartphone owners.

Children are passionate about many things. They are sometimes unable to sort out a good thing to immerse in and things, which are not as safe as they may seem. Addiction to mobile devices is a natural thing when it comes to modern kids and adults. Those gadgets have certainly made our lives easier.

Teens mainly use portable devices to stay online 24/7 performing various activities ranging from keeping in touch with their friends to surfing various websites. For this reason, many parents have doubts whether their kids stick to a proper communication and internet usage. However, modern mobile technologies have evolved over the last few years letting parents use advanced technologies to keep in touch with their teenaged kids.

On the other hand, mobile addiction can lead to improper communication as well as bad web surfing experience. For this reason, parents should always keep in touch with their children using modern advanced technologies. Adults are eager to track all their kids’ online activities performed via smartphones. They may include text messaging, content sharing, posting images, surfing websites and more.
Our world is hardly the safest place. People do not like limitations as well as staying under control. Overprotection has never been a good idea when establishing reliable relations with children. At the same time, stopping trying to control kids is also a bad solution.

So how to protect you child and make your family closer while 90% of children addicted to the internet, devices and social media?
In this infographic, Fameelee collected Top 10 Safety Tips for children and teens in digital age!

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