Six Ways to Achieve Better and More Restful Sleep


The majority of teens require at least eight to ten hours of sleep per night, but how many teens receive this minimal amount?  Too many people today have problems sleeping, including teenagers, and lack of sleep can affect almost every aspect of our lives ranging from emotional control to driving.  In fact, medical research has shown that a lack of sleep can impact negatively on our bodies reducing our immune system and sometimes causing people to gain weight.

If you aren’t too sure about how to get a good night’s sleep, here are some tip top ideas.

how to sleep better

  1. Be Active During The Day

Have you ever thought that wearing yourself out can result in a good night’s rest?  Think about little children and the amount of running around they do – they exhaust themselves.  Now think about how soundly they sleep – isn’t that something you would enjoy?

Take a tip from the youn’ ‘un; there’s something to be said about physical exercise.  By engaging in physical activity, you can decrease stress, feel more relaxed, and work off energy that keeps you awake at night.  Be careful, however, because working out near bedtime will wake you up instead of putting you to sleep.


  1. New Mattress

They say that you should have a good pair of shoes and a good mattress because if you’re not in one you are in the other. A good quality mattress can make a huge difference to how you feel and your night’s rest. Memory foam mattresses are renowned for providing a better quality of rest as they work to provide your body with support in the right place when resting, leading to less disturbance and better sleep.


  1. Keep A Sleep Routine

Many adults feel they need to stay up all night and keep working late hours, but setting a sleep routine can relax the brain and body making you more productivity during the day.  By going to bed each night at the same time, you will train your body to expect sleep and enhance a relaxation effect.  Play music, write in a journal, read, do whatever relaxes you to bring your body to a state of ‘zen’.


  1. Turn Off The Electronics

Researchers recommend that a bedroom be used for sleep only and be void of any technological devices.  It’s difficult to remove the tech-devices, but by turning off phones and shutting down laptops, you don’t need to worry about any buzzing or pinging at night.


  1. Don’t Stress Over Sleep

Stress triggers insomnia, and the more you worry about not sleeping, the less chance you have of falling asleep.  Instead of stressing about not snoozing, say to yourself that you will sleep well before going to bed and expect a good night’s rest.  Use mind over matter, and you’ll find yourself well-rested.


  1. Avoid Alcohol And Drugs

The majority of people think drugs and alcohol will increase feelings of relaxation and drowsiness, but this is not the case.  In fact, alcohol and drugs will disrupt sleep and cause anxiety instead of calm increasing the chance of you waking up in the night.

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