Potty training a resistant child

The joy of a parent is when the child achieves the next milestone. Child growth differs from one child to the other. While some seem to achieve the milestones fast, others will delay for some weeks or months. It can be frustrating watching your child left behind by his/her peers. Potty training is one area every parent look forward to for the child to learn. However, some children are resistant to sitting on the potty leaving parents worn out and looking for the next training trick. Children can be resistant for several reasons. Discussed here are some significant reasons and how to get your child potty train without resistance.

potty training a resistant child

Tips for potty training a resistant child

What causes resistance?

Resistance to potty training may be caused by several reasons:

  • Independence – Your child may feel he/she knows the way around and will not want your guidance. If you realize your child is at this stage try to encourage him/her that big children go to the potty. You can use examples of people who are role model like mommy and daddy too use the potty. This will improve his/her skills.
  • Fear – Strange as it sounds, children sometimes refuse to use the potty because they’re afraid of it. Try a new design of potty that encourages the child to use potty.Some children develop fear out of a negative experience they have had before. This happens due to pain while urinating, skin irritation or poor bowel movement. If the child experiences constipation problems, work on solving those problems.
  • Poor potty training – Personality of individuals differ. What parents tend to forget is children are human too. Understand the character of your child and train accordingly. You can’t ask an active child to sit on the potty for over five minutes. In the same case, don’t ask a shy child to sit on the potty in the sitting room. Rather use the bathroom and shut the door. Schedule time for the potty time but do not force it.
  • Confusion – If he/she does not understand the process expect resistance. This happens when there is no consistent message from the parent. Understand the child abilities and create reasonable expectations to follow. Potty should be conveniently located and placed in areas your child regularly hangs out.
  • Not curious – Some children are not curious about using the potty. You can take advantage of peer pressure by mixing him/her with children using potty already. This is easy for preschool going children. If lucky, the child will learn how to use the toilet too.
  • Too much pressure – asking your child to use the potty consistently will cause resistance. Learn some new skills like singing games or rewarding the child every time they use their privy.
  • Physical pain – If your child is experiencing accidents because of pain, seek medical advice from a pediatrician. All illnesses should be treated soonest possible.


Do and Don’ts When Potty Training A Resistant Child

1. Accidents will happen. Stay calm. 

Accidents are a normal part of the potty training process. Any accidents should be cleaned up with minimal drama. Be firm, but not angry. Shouting at a child will lead to more resistance and this should be avoided completely.

2. Don’t remind them about the potty all the time.

Children can feel controlled when asked to use the potty all the time. Instead, place it at a strategic point where he/she can use it with ease.

3. Keep your child naked or as close to naked as you can. 

This is an idea from John Rosemond’s traditional potty training technique. His idea is that when your child wees it will run down their legs and irritate them enough that they’ll use the potty.

4. Reward the child.

Sometimes toddlers need a little motivation. Praise the child every time he/she gets something to the potty. Also, encourage the child when he or she stays dry for a long time. Find some fun games that will make the the potty training fun and it will feel like rewards. For example, you can create a chart and decorate it with your child’s favorite cartoon character. After each successful potty seating, let your kid put a colorful sticker on the chart or draw something.

Do you have any tips for potty training a resistant child? Share your tips in the comment section!


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