Great Gifts for a New Parent


There are so many ways to describe new parents. Thrilled. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Grateful. The list goes on. If there’s one thing that’s certain it’s that their new little addition is the only thing on their minds these days. It’s helpful to remember this when getting them a new gift. You can aim for the emotional, the practical, or the memorable. Any which way you cut it; they’ll surely appreciate the thought you put into it. If you’re a bit overwhelmed, yourself, at the thought of what to get them, read this guide for great gifts for a new parent.

great gifts for a new parent

Great Gifts for a New Parent

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

By this, we mean that practical gifts for a new parent can sometimes be the best kind. Of course, a super cute outfit or a trinket is fun to buy, but new parents can sometimes be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of staples they need. Drop off a gift basket filled with diapers, wipes, chemical-free baby products, and more and watch them swoon. You’ve likely never realized how much diaper genie bags mean to a new parent that can’t get to Target. Speaking of Target, a gift card to that or any other place that sells these baby items is always a hit, too. A creative way to get your friend the basics is to sign her up for Amazon Mom. With discounts on all these essentials, she’ll be moved to tears (which might also be a side effect of sleep deprivation).


Straight to the Heart

Personalized gifts are extremely popular when it comes to gifts for a new parent. That’s because everyone knows what goes into the painstaking process of naming a child, so it’s only natural that the new parent will love to see this name “up in lights,” so to speak. From “lovies” and beanbag chairs to fuzzy towels and baby books, personalized gifts are a great way to get your friend something sentimental. Baby books are especially great, as you can write a note in the front, either to the baby or perhaps sharing some of your ideas as a parent. Consider who your gift recipient is and what her favorite things are and start there, as your thoughtfulness will mean more than words.


Picture frames are another great touch when it comes to sentimentality. Digital photo frames are a unique take on this and, with a rotating set of photos that can be featured, these always bring a smile to the faces of new parents. You could even consider framing a sonogram from their pregnancy. Because all new parents take loads (upon loads) of photos, you could think outside the box a bit and get them new iPhone cases. These days, a digital phone is virtually all you need to capture the memories you’ll treasure for a lifetime.


Gifts for Mom (or Dad!)

Baby gifts are fantastic but a new mom and/or dad will be super impressed if you think to buy them something amidst all the chaos. You could get them a meal service, a wine basket, a spa day, a nanny service, etc. You could even get Mom a gift card to her favorite clothing store so she can reward herself with some new clothes once all (or at least some!) of the baby weight comes off.


Go for the Gold in Uniqueness

If you are someone who appreciates giving as much as getting gifts that are a tad unconventional, you’ll love this list from Buzzfeed. With a pacifier that closes when it falls on the ground, a “Woombie” for swaddling, a gadget that turns your iPhone into a baby monitor, and a portable fabric high chair, this list is easily reaching genius level gift giving. Another great thing about this list is that it features a few items for when the baby gets older (like the snack/activity tray for traveling), which is always helpful when everyone else is getting them baby items.


Any gift is truly a great gift for a new parent but, if you get an idea or two from this guide, we just know you’re going to make a huge impression on your friend’s heart.

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