Best books about emotions for toddlers

Dealing with emotions is difficult for anyone, but for little kids, it is close to impossible. Emotions get too overwhelming, and little ones still don’t have a proper release mechanism. This is why I have gathered a list of the best books about emotions to help your toddler identify and deal with those new feelings. 

These feelings just come suddenly, we expect them to know how to handle them. It is no wonder they are often confused and nervous. No matter if it is Terrible twos, Threenagers, Fournados, they all come with new emotions. It will take some time for your toddler to catch up with them. Just imagine all the questions they have about them. What is happening? What is this? Why am I angry/upset/sad? Where did this feeling come from? What can I do? Our job as their parents or guardians is to help them develop as empatic and amazing individuals. This means teaching them how to identify these emotions and how to handle them successfully.

In our house, books are the answer to everything. Potty training? There is undoubtedly a book for that. Are they having trouble with sharing? Let’s find a perfect book. And the same goes when it comes to dealing with emotions. Books about emotions can be a great resource that can help them identify the feelings. They also help them to understand them while showing how to accept, express, and deal with them. On this list, there are some of the best toddler books about emotions and feelings that worked great for us. 

The Color Monster by Anna Llenas. This book helps kids to learn how to identify their feelings and makes it easier for them to speak about how they are feeling at that moment. It is one of the greatest tools we have found in preventing tantrums.

Ruby Finds a Worry by Tom Percival. Truth be told, any of Tom Percival’s books from the Big Bright Feelings series is a great choice, but this is the one that impacted my little one the most. She hates making mistakes, and we noticed that she gets increasingly worried when faced with a situation where she can make a mistake. This could be anything, from trying new equipment in the park to trying to say a new word she just heard. This book helped her realize everyone has worries, but speaking about them helps.

Grumpy Monkey by Suzanne Lang. We would do anything to stop our kids from feeling bad and grumpy, but they just need to feel their feelings. This book shows that in a fun and exciting way.

In My Heart: A Book of Feelings by Jo Witek. Similar to The Color Monster, this book also helps kids identify their feelings. I love it because it gives the example of a situation where you can feel those feelings, making it easier for smaller kids to understand.

B is for Breathe: The ABCs of Coping with Fussy and Frustrating Feelings by Melissa Munro Boyd. This book is great for teaching small kids easy ways to cope with fussy and frustrating emotions. If they don’t know how to regulate these feelings, they will probably develop into a tantrum or crying attacks. By inspiring kids to discuss their feelings and introducing them to calm-down strategies, this book can make a big difference when it comes to dealing with big emotions.

The Boy With Big, Big Feelings by Britney Winn Lee. My little one is still a bit too young for this book, and I would recommend it for parents of kids older than 4. It is also a great choice for parents of a child experiencing anxiety, extreme emotions, a child identified as a Highly Sensitive Person, or a child on the autism spectrum. It shows kids they don’t need to hide their feeling, even if they are big ones. Instead, they should embrace them, feel them and speak about them.

My Body Sends a Signal by Natalia Maguire. Another book about emotions that helps kids identify them, but with an added benefit. Not only does it have illustrations and stories that kids can relate to, but it also provides calming-down activities for kids and instructions to adults on the follow-up activities.

The Way I Feel by Janan Cain. I love the books that show kids that emotions are not something we should be afraid of, and they are part of our life, and we need to accept them and learn how to regulate them. This book helps children to connect the word and the emotion, making it easier to communicate their feelings.

Happy Hippo, Angry Duck: A Book of Moods, by Sandra Boynton. This book is aimed at the youngest audience, kids from 1 to 3 years old, and it uses different animals to introduce a wide range of emotions in a fun and creative way.

Do you have your favorite, and what would you recommend to us? We are currently approaching the Fournado stage, so any bit of advice helps.

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