Best Ted Talks Every Parent Should Watch


Best Ted Talks Every Parent Should Watch

10 Best Ted Talks For Parents

When I have some free time (usually when I clean or cook dinner), I love to watch some interesting online videos, or listen to amazing podcasts.

When I have some more time, I watch Ted Talks, so I wanted to share my favorite parenting Ted Talks with you.

Watch different stories and experiences of ordinary people and experts about all the challenges of raising kids. Some stories will inspire you, other will educate you. Maybe you have different views about education or parenting or disagree with some of these best Ted talks about parenting – feel free to write your opinion in our comments.

1. How School Kills Creativity

When we’re talking about best Ted talks about parenting, we have to mention Ken Robinson. He is really passionate about creativity and how we need to change our education system. You may disagree, but he has a point.

2. Every Kid Needs a Champion

A story from Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years. She talks about how students need to connect with their teachers on a real and personal level.

3. What Adults Can Learn From Kids

Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs “childish” thinking – and I can’t agree more. I work with ideas and I think the children are perfect ‘ideas machines’. We can learn so much from them!

4. To This Day … for the bullied and beautiful

This one really touched my heart. To all different kids out there: stay strong – poet Shane Koyczan will amaze you with his spoken-word poem about bullying.

5. 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do

We are often overprotective and sometimes that is not bad – but a little danger is sometimes good, and Gever Tulley, founder of the Tinkering School, will explain why.

6. It’s time for “The Talk”

Any kind of ‘big talk‘ with our little ones is hard – but we have to do it. Listen to comedian Julia Sweeney!

7. The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen

I am in love with this kindergarten and had to share this with you. This is the world’s cutest kindergarten, designed by architect Takaharu Tezuka.

8. Let’s talk parenting taboos publishers Rufus Griscom and Alisa Volkman expose 4 taboos that parents never admit. It’s honest and funny and definitely deserved to be in my best ted talks list.

9. Let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs

Cameron Herold has a great point here. In his amazing talk, he makes the case for parenting and education that helps future entrepreneurs flourish.

10. Play is more than just fun

Dr. Stuart Brown is talking about importance of playing! Plenty of play in childhood makes for happy, smart adults! Who can fight that?

I love watching Ted talks and I try to watch at least one every day. It doesn’t take much of my time but it often makes me inspired. If you didn’t watch any of these amazing talks, you have to watch it now!

And if you watch Ted talks, share with me if you have your list of best Ted talks? I would love to find some new videos that I didn’t watch yet!

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  1. Pinned, tweeted, and scheduled to share! I love watching Ted Talks and I can’t wait to check these out! Thanks! Found you at MeetUp Mondays Link up.

  2. THANK YOU. I love TED talks. I have bookmarked this and can’t wait to watch them all. Always so encouraging and thought-provoking. Thank you for sharing at #mommymeetupmondays.

  3. We love TED talks! What a great list! That Stuart Brown one is great. We have a link up and a giveaway on the blog if you’d like to share a post!

  4. Ted Talks are the best! Thank you for compiling these picks here. I have pinned it to my Parenting board so I can refer to it and watch them over the next week or so.


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