
Welcome to the team

PARENTALJOURNEY.COM is a personal mom blog that covers anything from kids crafts and activities to more serious subjects such as kids discipline. We aim to provide readers with fun and informative posts about joys and troubles of modern parenting.

This media kit describes opportunities for advertisers to reach this unique, valuable audience.

Audience & Demographics

PARENTALJOURNEY.COM launched in March 2015 and has seen continuous growth. Through a high level of community and social media engagement, our site has built a strong base of returning visitors in addition to the new audience gained each month. Our website offers a great outlet for your company’s message to be seen.

PARENTALJOURNEY.COM audience: Age: 21-45 / Mostly Female / Moms / Parents /.

Audience Metrics:


Twitter FollowersFacebook Folowers



Rates & Opportunities

PARENTALJOURNEY.COM offers numerous advertising opportunities for advertisers to reach this valuable, targeted audience.

Standard Advertising Opportunities

Please view our chart below for our standard ad specifications and prices. Prices are for one month of placement.


Ad UnitPositionDimensionsPricing
Medium RectangleTop of Sidebar (on Single Post Pages)300×250$100
Vertical Banner (Rectangle)Featured in Sidebar (on Single Post Pages)300×6004$150


Ads purchased for 3 month and 6 month periods are available for discounts.

Other Opportunities

In addition to standard website banner advertising, PARENTALJOURNEY.COM also offers the following:

  • SPONSORED POSTSWe also accept guest posts. All the sponsored and guest posts will stay live at least for a year.


For all inquiries, please contact:

We look forward to having you join the PARENTAL JOURNEY team!