5 Tips For Taking Better Family Photos


I am glad to have a dad blogger here today… His name is Michael and he recently started his blog adventure. I truly recommend you to check out his blog.

Michael is a photographer and he decided to share with my readers some tips for taking better family photos.


Hello, my name is Michael Wilson and I run a dad blog about photographing my family. With how fast live moves these days, it is important to capture as many moments of your family’s life as possible. I’m on a journey on how to get out of auto on my DSLR by basically having fun with my family.

I would like you to follow along by reading my weekly updates as I show family trips, photography tips I have learned, and of course my photography. As I mentioned earlier, capturing priceless moments of your family is important in all stages of life. I put together five tips to help improve your family’s photography.

1. Camera

Many parents use their smartphone as their main camera when photographing their kids. And why not, it’s the camera we have on us all the time. Smartphones are an excellent choice for taking pictures as they are getting better and better every year. However, point and shoot cameras can be a better option but not much different than a smartphone. An entry level DSLR is a better choice and will give you professional-like images. Many of these cameras start around $300 to $600 and come with a kit lens. Nowadays DSLR comes with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth so your smartphone can upload pictures for those instant social media post. For around $200 you can pair a prime lens with your camera to have sharper images along with that blown out background professional look.

If you are unfamiliar with a DSLR you can always shoot in auto to take great pictures and not worry about all the manual settings. A DSLR is a better option in the long run to capture priceless memories.

2. Simple Photo Knowledge

Having basic photo knowledge can improve your photography and make your photos more interesting. Knowing the rule of thirds or how to improve your composition can make a good picture great. There are several free videos on YouTube for the beginner photographer along with podcasts when you’re not in front of your computer.

3. Fun Activities

kids in the park

Nothing is better than spending a day with the kids at the park, museum, or zoo. These are places you get to watch them learn and let loose. These are perfect places to bring along the camera to capture precious moments. Taking a picture of their face the first time they see a lion or with a huge smile on their face while they are swinging in the park. Family fun along with captured memories make for a great day.

4. Patience

As mentioned above with fun activities you also need the patience to capture the right moments. Watching a kid be a kid is great, but they can also throw a few surprises along the way. One of my favorite times to take a picture is when I see my kids happy and watching my wife be a mom. Being patient to get the right shot is ideal to get the right moment.

5. Editing Software

Editing software can be key when making a good picture great. They give you many options for adding a filter, cropping, or making the picture black and white. Lightroom CC and Lightroom mobile can be a powerful tool editing pictures from your DSLR. As Lightroom CC has a slight learning curve, software like snap seed can work great for beginners.

I hope you liked these simple tips!

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