5 Best Bedtime Stories For Toddlers – Ranked by Emily

I always like reading and the idea of reading bedtime stories for my child seemed incredible. I couldn’t wait for her to grow up enough to finally understand them.

Recently we have moved to a two-bedroom apartment which meant Emily finally got her own room. This meant we had to do some changes regarding her sleeping arrangements. Before we would settle her on our bed, give her a bottle and soon she would fall asleep while holding our hand. Then we would just transfer her to her cot and she would continue until the morning. Perfect, right? But as she was getting bigger and heavier it was getting harder and harder to transfer her to the bed. Especially when you are short as I am. You don’t want to know how many times I almost ended up in her bed with her. Now, it would be impossible to transfer her from one room to another without her waking up.

best bedtime stories for toddlers

This is why we decided to create a new routine. As an avid book reader, I couldn’t allow not to include books in our bedtime process. What I didn’t know yet was that Emily will become as crazy about books as I am. She will touch all the books she owns, take one, change her mind and take another one. Then of course, she will change her mind and then choose the next one which she will then proudly hand to me.

Best bedtime stories for toddlers

In her expert two-year old opinion these are the best bedtime stories for toddlers ranked from the best to almost the best.

  1. “Say Goodnight to the Sleepy Animals” by Ian Whybrow

Why did it deserve number one position? Story is about cute ginger cat that goes to say goodnight to other animals like the dog, fox or bunnies and other. The main reason she likes it is because on every page there are soft to touch animals she can pet while I read her the rhymes.

This book teaches them that babies all over the world might look different and live in various circumstances. But, at the same time they still have things in common. Her favourite part of course is when the books tells about the baby that is “mine all mine” and she gets “three little kisses on top of her nose”.

I think this book is a staple of bedtime stories all over the world. It is a story about tiny mouse going to bed and saying goodnight to all of things in his room. She really likes the rhymes. But saying goodnight to all the things in her room is the favorite.

This is a story about the kind witch and her cat who after losing hat, bow and wand not only get some help but also companions on their broomstick and the adventures they have. She loves the illustrations in this book and laughs on every page while watching witches’ adventures.

  • “I Love My Mummy” by Marcy Kelman

If I am honest, this might be my favourite. It is a story about little squirrel that lists all the reason she loves her mummy. We like it because it says about all the things parents do for their children during the day, and it just makes me warm around my heart.

Which bedtime stories your toddler prefers?

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