9 Simple Craft Projects For Toddlers

My little one loves to make things with her hands. We are always trying to find some new and simple craft projects for toddlers on Pinterest. There are so many of them, but I wanted to share some of our favorite ones. These blogs have so many cool ideas, so don’t forget to check them out – you will get so much inspiration, I guarantee you that.

Here are some really simple and fun craft projects for your toddlers and preschoolers.

9 Simple Craft Projects For Toddlers

9 Simple Craft Projects For Toddlers

1. Paper Bowl Jellyfish

Paper Bowl Jellyfish Craft

This colorful jellyfish craft for toddlers doesn’t require any painting so it’s a perfect mess-free craft for toddlers. One of our favorite simple crafts for toddlers. Source: I Heart Crafty Things

2. Button Snail

Button Snail Craft For Toddlers

This is adorable preschool craft – you can make a wonderful snails using just old cds and colourful buttons. Source: I Heart ArtsNCrafts

3. Painting With Rain

Painting with rain

This is a scented homemade paint recipe made from just two ingredients, and one of them is rain. Such a cool idea – one of my favorite simple crafts for toddlers. Source: Learn Play Imagine

4. Handprint Tree

Handprint tree craft

Beautiful Handprint Tree art idea for kids. Perfect for preschoolers exploring Autumn themes and colours. Source: Arty Crafty Kids

5. Handprint Earth Day Craft

Simple Earth Day Handprint Craft

Simple handprint crafts are the best choice for toddlers! Source: Crafty Morning

6. Paper Chain Snake

How to make paper chain snake

This Paper Chain Snake is a fun craft for any snake fan to make. Source: Raising Little Superheros

7. Surprise Ferocious Beings Paper Project

Surprise Ferocious Beings Paper Project for Toddlers

Simple folded art project for toddlers. Source: Art for kids and robots

8. Egg Carton Dinosaur Hat Craft

Egg Carton Dinosaur Hat Craft for Kids

Make a cool egg carton dinosaur hat craft with your kids! Source: Crafty Morning

9. Homemade Telescope

Homemade DIY telescope

Your little ones will love to watch birds through their new homemade telescope. Source: Highlights

Do you have some simple craft projects for toddlers to share?

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